In this eclectic evening, renowned comedian, actor, writer and Comic Relief co-founder, Sir Lenny Henry will triumphantly return to stand up, dive into the details with Fred MacAulay and finish with an audience Q&A.
Things to know
Date: Friday 30 May
Time: 19:30
Price: £29.50-£32.50
Location: Gannochy Trust Auditorium, Perth Concert Hall
An Evening with Sir Lenny Henry Hosted by Fred MacAulay Renowned comedian, actor, writer and Comic Relief co-founder, Sir Lenny Henry has had a vibrant career for over 50 years encompassing every inch of entertainment. Rising as a cult star on children’s television to becoming one of Britain’s best-known performers, Lenny has transformed from a Shakespearean Othello to a Harfoot in Amazon's Lord of the Rings, a druid in The Witcher, a grocer in his acclaimed Bush Theatre play and many more. Behind the scenes, Lenny has become a diversity champion, successful children's author, philanthropist, and knight. In this eclectic evening, Sir Lenny will triumphantly return to stand-up, dive into the details with Fred MacAulay and finish with an audience Q&A. Over a decade since his last stand-up tour, don't miss this rare chance to see Sir Lenny Henry live. £32.50; Disabled/Unwaged/Students/Under 18s £29.50 (inc £2.50 booking fee per ticket)