This workshop looks at ways to look at new ways of approaching and building opportunities for funding in a creative way to look towards an optimistic future.
Funding can feel like a stumbling block. This workshop looks at ways to look at new ways of approaching and building opportunities for funding in a creative way to look towards an optimistic future. Lisa has worked and secured funding over the last 15 years from a variety of sources and building relationships with the likes of The Scottish Government, Future Paisley, See Me, Co-op, Sense Over Sectarianism, Arnold Clark, NHS Lothian, NHS Great Glasgow and Clyde, Diageo, Glasgow City Council, Health Improvement Teams across Scotland, Alcohol Focus, GINA network, North Lanarkshire Council, West Lothian Council, The National Lottery and Creative Scotland amongst others. She has also been on the panel of Creative Scotland’s Touring Fund on two occasions and was commissioned to research with venues the success of the fund. Suitable for actors, writers, directors and producers Free/£10